Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cornmeal, Thyme Cookies

These were really interesting and surprisingly crisp.

First it was choppin thyme- ahaha, get it...

Then on to creaming butter & sugar, and mixing dry ingredients- including an unusual appearance by cornmeal and currants (dried- I've made the mistake of baking with uncalled for fresh currants before, so I knew better this time around):

Mix em together, drop on a cookie sheet and here we go!

These were very tasty little buggers- although I still can't figure out why when Martha says my cookies should be flat they're poofy, and vice versa. These seemed to be a thyme and current flavored butter cookie of sorts based on the picture, but they came out raised. Still tasted awesome though. I served for dessert after a chicken fajita meal, and the cornmeal really played well with the flavors from dinner. I'll definitely repeat.

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